Thursday, September 8, 2011


  1. 1.)Hard News- Immediate, or "breaking," story that can't wait for publication. Soft News- A story that can wait for publication and is usually about a trend, an on-going event or about an interesting person. I would much prefer writing Soft News because I wouldn't feel so pressed for time and would have more time to post interesting information. Hard Lead is a term that is used because the post that is at hand is much more forward and immediate. A soft lead is that of a story just explaining what has been said or being quotes. I would personally utilize either one of them varying on what type of story I was writing.

2.) He says they like to be suprised but not too much. They want some suprises but not ones that will hurt or hinder their story. I do like some suprises but it varies on in what type of context they are in. Suprise flowers or a thank you note is always nice as for a suprise with my car or tires no, no suprises like that.

3.) I have heard of this name and my book is in the mail somewhere and will be coming soon :)
4.) I learned a lot from his readings and one thing that kind of suprised me was the fact he said you will learn from listening and get a story , I would think from listening you would get good information but you also need more than just listening. I would go through all his steps and find a way that works best for me and be able to utilize it for myself.

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